27 Nakshatras: Unlocking the Mysteries to Vedic Constellations

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Introduction to Nakshatras:

Nakshatras, in the realm of Vedic astrology and Hindu astronomy, are a collection of 27 distinct star constellations that adorn the night sky. The term “Nakshatra” itself translates to “that which does not decay” in Sanskrit, emphasizing their eternal and unchanging nature. Nakshatras holds a unique position and significance, serving as a celestial marker that has captivated the imaginations of scholars, astrologers, and stargazers for millennia. These stellar bodies are more than just distant points of light; they are the building blocks of cosmic stories, personalities, and destinies.

Within the vast tapestry of Vedic astrology, Nakshatras stand out as pivotal components. They play a fundamental role in shaping the destiny and characteristics of individuals, providing a level of precision and depth to astrological readings that is unparalleled. Unlike the more commonly known zodiac signs, Nakshatras dive into the finer nuances of one’s personality, inclinations, and karmic patterns. Whether you’re seeking insights into love, career, or spiritual growth, understanding Nakshatras can unveil hidden dimensions of your life’s journey.

Nakshatras possesses a unique set of attributes and qualities, influencing the individuals born under their influence. Readers will learn how these attributes shape personality traits, talents, and challenges in the lives of those born under particular Nakshatras.

AshwiniKsipra000°00 – 013°20ʹ
BharaniUgra013°20ʹ – 026°40ʹ
KritikaSadharan026°40ʹ – 040°00ʹ
RohiniSthira040°00ʹ – 053°20ʹ
MrigsiraMridu053°20ʹ – 066°40ʹ
ArdraTikshana066°40ʹ – 080°00ʹ
PunarvasuChara080°00ʹ – 093°20ʹ
PushyaKsipra093°20ʹ – 106° 40ʹ
AslesaTikshana106° 40ʹ – 120° 00ʹ
MaghaUgra120° 00ʹ – 133° 20ʹ
Purva PhalguniUgra133° 20ʹ – 146°40ʹ
Uttar PhalguniSthira146° 40 ʹ-  160°00 ʹ
HastaKsipra160° 00ʹ –  173°20ʹ
ChitraMridu173° 20ʹ –   186°40ʹ
SwatiChara186°40ʹ – 200°00ʹ
VisakhaSadharan200°00ʹ – 213°20ʹ
AnuradhaMridu213°20ʹ – 226°40ʹ
JyesthaTikshana226°40ʹ – 240°00ʹ
MulaTikshana240°00ʹ – 253°20ʹ
Purva AsadhUgra253°20ʹ – 266°40ʹ
Uttar AsadhSthira266°40ʹ – 280°00ʹ
ShravanChara280°00ʹ – 293°20ʹ
DhanistaChara293°20ʹ – 306°40ʹ
ShatbhisaChara306°40ʹ – 320°00ʹ
Purva BhadrapadUgra320°40ʹ – 333°20ʹ
Uttar BhadrapadSthira333°20ʹ – 346°40ʹ
RevatiMridu346°40ʹ – 360° 00ʹ
27 Nakshatras



Ashwini Nakshatra, the foremost among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology, is emblematic of the divine twin horsemen of Hindu mythology. It finds representation through the symbol of a horse’s head, signifying swiftness and agility. This Nakshatra is characterized by its ‘Sattvic’ nature, denoting purity and unwavering commitment, associated with healing and initiation abilities.

Ruled by the Ashwini Kumaras, renowned as the celestial healers and physicians of the gods, this Nakshatra is renowned for its swift and rejuvenating attributes. Those born under Ashwini are believed to exhibit an innate desire for healing, quick decision-making capabilities, and a natural inclination toward assisting others. They are often viewed as pioneers and initiators, being the first to embark on new projects or endeavors.

Ashwini Nakshatra individuals may grapple with challenges such as impatience, impulsiveness, and an inclination towards overly hasty actions. Ketu, the lunar South Node, serves as the planetary ruler of Ashwini, imparting a spiritual and mystical dimension to those born under its influence. Professions that align well with the Ashwini Nakshatra encompass fields associated with medicine, healing, emergency response, and ground-breaking innovations.


Bharani, positioned as the second among Nakshatras within the Vedic astrology system’s array of 27 Nakshatras, is intricately woven with the overarching themes of birth, creation, transformation, and the imposing presence of Yama, the god of death. Several key facets distinguish the Bharani Nakshatra. It is presided over by Yama, the divine embodiment of death and the upholder of dharma, marking its close association with the processes of metamorphosis and renewal.

Symbolically, Bharani is linked with the female reproductive organ, a representation of fertility, the generative power, and the ability to usher new life into the world. This Nakshatra is classified as “Tamasik,” indicative of its involvement with profound and transformative dimensions of existence, notably the unceasing cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

Individuals born under the influence of Bharani are recognized for their unwavering determination and their capacity to embrace significant personal transformations. They exhibit a notable fearlessness when it comes to confronting harsh truths and making essential life changes. However, they may also grapple with challenges such as intense emotions and a propensity for asserting control, at times leading to power struggles.

Venus governs Bharani, bestowing upon it artistic and sensual attributes. Those born under this Nakshatra often possess a deep appreciation for aesthetics and the intrinsic beauty found in the world. Regarding professions, individuals influenced by Bharani Nakshatra are inclined to excel in fields associated with transformation, such as psychology, healing, and vocations centered around change and rebirth. Creative and artistic pursuits also hold a natural allure for them.



Krittika, the third Nakshatra within Vedic astrology’s constellation of 27 Nakshatras, is intimately linked with the motifs of cutting and piercing, epitomized by a sharp-edged implement. This Nakshatra finds its association with Agni, the fire god, symbolizing purification, transformation, and illumination, and the fiery essence of Agni resonates throughout Krittika’s characteristics. Its primary symbol, often interpreted as a knife or razor, signifies Krittika’s inherent capacity for cutting, piercing, and transformative actions.

Classified as a “Rajasik” Nakshatra, Krittika portrays a dynamic and active nature driven by desires and ambitions. Those born under its influence are renowned for their keen intellect, unwavering determination, and their ability to surmount obstacles and challenges with precision. Their pursuit of goals is relentless, but they may also grapple with a potential fiery temper, impatience, and a proclivity for confrontation.

Governed by the Sun, Krittika Nakshatra bestows qualities of leadership, self-confidence, and a resolute sense of purpose upon its individuals. In the realm of professions, those strongly influenced by Krittika Nakshatra often excel in careers entailing leadership roles, decision-making, and ventures demanding a cutting-edge approach. Fields related to engineering, technology, and the military may hold particular appeal for them.

Krittika epitomizes transformation and purification, with Agni’s fire serving as the instrument to incinerate impurities and barriers. Individuals born under Krittika Nakshatra are characterized by their relentless drive, determination, and resolute commitment to surmounting life’s challenges.


Rohini stands as the fourth Nakshatra among Vedic astrology’s array of 27 Nakshatras, closely associated with themes of fertility and nurturing. Symbolized by a cart or chariot, it embodies the continuous movement of life, drawing a deep connection to agriculture and growth. Guided by Prajapati, the lord of creation and fertility, Rohini is steeped in the nurturing and creative dimensions of existence.

Classified as a “Sattvic” Nakshatra, it exudes purity, harmony, and a nurturing disposition. Those born under Rohini Nakshatra are characterized by their compassionate and nurturing nature, possessing an innate ability to foster growth and abundance. Their charm and attractiveness often shine through. Nevertheless, challenges may manifest in the form of possessiveness, attachment to material comforts, and an aversion to confronting difficulties. Governed by the Moon, Rohini grants individuals emotional sensitivity, intuition, and a profound connection to the natural world. Careers that celebrate agriculture, gardening, food production, art, and roles entailing nurturing and caring, such as nursing or childcare, are often well-suited for those deeply influenced by Rohini Nakshatra.

Rohini embodies the principles of growth, fertility, and nurturing, and individuals born under its influence possess a profound affinity for the natural world, gravitating naturally toward professions and activities that foster creativity and the cultivation of abundance in its various forms.



Mrigashira, also spelled as “Mrigashirsha,” occupies the fifth position among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology, intricately linked with the themes of exploration and the relentless quest for truth. It finds its symbol in a deer’s head, symbolizing curiosity and the unwavering pursuit of that which remains elusive. Soma, the Moon god, guides this Nakshatra, emphasizing its association with the pursuit of knowledge.

Classified as a “Rajasik” Nakshatra, Mrigashira emanates a dynamic and active nature, driven by desires and ambitions, particularly in the realm of intellectual pursuits. Those born under Mrigashira Nakshatra are celebrated for their intrinsic inquisitiveness, insatiable curiosity, and their deep love for learning, all driven by a profound desire to explore and discover new horizons. Challenges for individuals influenced by Mrigashira Nakshatra may encompass restlessness, fickleness, and an inclination to be easily distracted by the allure of novelty.

Mars, the planetary ruler, bestows qualities of energy, courage, and a pioneering spirit, making those born under this Nakshatra assertive in their pursuits. Professions closely tied to research, writing, exploration, travel, journalism, and any field that involves the pursuit of knowledge and the uncovering of hidden truths are often well-suited for individuals strongly influenced by Mrigashira Nakshatra.

Mrigashira epitomizes the pursuit of knowledge, exploration, and the unceasing yearning for discovery, with individuals born under its influence characterized by an unwavering curiosity and an indomitable drive to uncover hidden mysteries and seek truth across various facets of life.


Ardra, alternatively known as “Ardra Nakshatra,” takes its place as the sixth Nakshatra within Vedic astrology’s expansive constellation of 27 Nakshatras, intimately intertwined with themes of storms and turbulence, its symbolism represented by a teardrop or a diamond. The Ardra Nakshatra is marked by significant characteristics and attributes:

Ruled by Rudra, the fierce and destructive form of Lord Shiva, Ardra embodies the force of storms and the power of transformation. Its primary symbols include the teardrop, symbolizing sorrow, purification, and transformation, as well as the concept of a diamond, signifying the potential for inner strength and resilience. Classified as a “Tamasik” Nakshatra, Ardra delves into the more challenging and transformative facets of existence, exploring the destructive force of nature and its capacity to bring about change.

Individuals born under Ardra Nakshatra are known for their profound emotional depth, unwavering determination, and their remarkable ability to confront challenging situations with resilience. They wield transformative power and exhibit an innate capacity to adapt to difficult circumstances. Challenges, however, may encompass a propensity for anger and destructive tendencies, often coupled with emotional turbulence.

Rahu, the North Node of the Moon, governs Ardra, introducing a mysterious and transformative dimension to the lives of those born under its influence. Professions in which individuals significantly influenced by Ardra Nakshatra often excel are closely linked to transformation, healing, crisis management, and vocations demanding deft handling of intense emotions and challenging situations.

Ardra epitomizes turbulence, transformation, and the ability to confront and overcome challenging circumstances. Those born under Ardra Nakshatra possess a profound emotional intensity, wielding the potential to bring about change and transformation, both in their own lives and in the lives of those they encounter.


Punarvasu, the seventh Nakshatra within Vedic astrology’s tapestry of 27 Nakshatras, is deeply associated with themes of renewal and rejuvenation, symbolized by a quiver of arrows. The key attributes and characteristics defining the Punarvasu Nakshatra are as follows:

Ruled by Aditi, the mother of all gods, Punarvasu signifies the nurturing and protective aspects reminiscent of a mother’s care. Its primary symbol, the quiver of arrows, eloquently conveys the concept of replenishment and renewal, akin to how arrows are readied for their purpose. As a “Sattvic” Nakshatra, Punarvasu radiates purity, harmony, and a nurturing quality, and it possesses a unique ability to usher in renewal and a sense of positivity.

Individuals born under Punarvasu Nakshatra are recognized for their deep wells of compassion, their nurturing instincts, and their innate protective inclinations. They are natural caregivers, providing support and guidance to those around them.

Challenges for Punarvasu Nakshatra individuals may encompass a tendency towards excessive caution or indecision, rooted in their quest to secure stability and security. Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Punarvasu, brings an infusion of wisdom, spirituality, and expansion to those born under this Nakshatra.

Professions where individuals significantly influenced by Punarvasu Nakshatra often excel include counseling, teaching, healing, and careers that involve nurturing and guiding others.

Punarvasu is a Nakshatra steeped in the spirit of renewal and nurturing, with an innate capacity to offer support and guidance to those in need. Those born under Punarvasu Nakshatra epitomize profound compassion and a natural inclination to care for and protect others, making them invaluable sources of wisdom and unwavering support.


Pushya, also known as “Pushyami” or “Pooyam,” holds the distinction of being the eighth Nakshatra within Vedic astrology’s expansive collection of 27 Nakshatras, intricately tied to themes of nourishment and growth, symbolized by a milk-cow. The key attributes and characteristics characterizing the Pushya Nakshatra are as follows:

Ruled by Brihaspati, the god of wisdom and spirituality, Pushya embodies the nurturing and protective qualities reminiscent of a teacher or guru. Its primary symbol, the milk cow, eloquently signifies nourishment, growth, and the abundance of sustenance. Classified as a “Sattvic” Nakshatra, Pushya radiates purity, harmony, and a nurturing quality, renowned for its innate ability to offer support and nourishment.

Individuals born under Pushya Nakshatra are known for their caring, protective, and nurturing nature. They embody qualities of wisdom and spirituality, and their hallmark is the ability to provide profound emotional support. Challenges may manifest in the form of a tendency to be overly protective or possessive, often driven by their unyielding commitment to ensuring the well-being of their loved ones.

Saturn, the planetary ruler of Pushya, introduces qualities of discipline, responsibility, and a strong sense of duty to those born under this Nakshatra. Professions in which individuals significantly influenced by Pushya Nakshatra often excel are closely tied to teaching, counseling, spiritual guidance, healthcare, and vocations that involve nurturing, protecting, and providing for others.

Pushya epitomizes a Nakshatra steeped in the spirit of nourishment, growth, and the innate capacity to offer support and guidance to those in need. Those born under Pushya Nakshatra epitomize profound compassion and a natural inclination to care for and protect others, rendering them invaluable sources of wisdom and unwavering support.


Ashlesha, also known as “Ayilyam” or “Aslesha Nakshatra,” is the ninth Nakshatra within the realm of Vedic astrology, comprising 27 Nakshatras. It is intimately linked to the themes of entwinement and transformation, symbolized by the image of a coiled serpent. Key attributes and characteristics that define the Ashlesha Nakshatra are as follows:

Under the rule of the Nagas, serpent deities in Hindu mythology, Ashlesha represents the guardians of hidden and mystical knowledge. Its central symbol, the coiled serpent, emblematically signifies entwinement and encapsulates the latent, transformative energy intrinsic to the serpent. As a “Tamasik” Nakshatra, Ashlesha reflects on its more challenging and transformative aspects, delving into the potent kundalini energy and the enigmatic realm of hidden forces.

Individuals born under Ashlesha Nakshatra are often distinguished by their intuitive nature, penchant for secrecy, and profound connection to the forces of transformation. They possess the unique potential to access hidden knowledge and employ it for both constructive and potentially more obscure purposes.

Challenges that may be encountered by Ashlesha Nakshatra individuals manifest as inclinations toward manipulation, deceit, and the perpetual struggle to balance the dual nature inherent in this Nakshatra. Mercury, as the planetary ruler, imparts qualities of communication, intelligence, and adaptability to those born under the influence of Ashlesha.

In terms of professions, individuals significantly influenced by Ashlesha Nakshatra often excel in careers intimately related to research, psychology, occult sciences, and vocations that require the revelation of hidden knowledge and engagement with the enigmatic realm of the subconscious mind.

Ashlesha stands as a Nakshatra deeply associated with life’s concealed and transformative dimensions. Those born under Ashlesha Nakshatra possess an acute sense of intuition, along with a natural ability to access hidden knowledge. They are renowned for their adaptability and their potential for personal transformation, as well as their capacity to effect change in the world around them.



Magha, known as “Magham” or “Makha,” stands as the tenth Nakshatra within Vedic astrology’s vast array of 27 Nakshatras. It is inextricably linked to the potent themes of power and authority, symbolized by a regal throne. Here are the key characteristics and attributes that define the Magha Nakshatra:

Under the guardianship of the Pitris, the ancestral deities or forefathers, Magha is intimately connected to the blessings bestowed by past generations and the enduring energy of one’s heritage. Its central symbol, the royal throne, epitomizes power, authority, and the very essence of leadership.

Classified as a “Rajasik” Nakshatra, Magha embodies a dynamic and active nature, driven by desires and ambitions, particularly within the realm of worldly power and recognition. Those born under Magha Nakshatra are often recognized for their authoritative presence, a sense of pride, and a deep affinity for tradition and heritage. They carry within them the potential to ascend to positions of power and leadership.

Challenges may arise in the form of inclinations toward arrogance, an unyielding need for recognition and prestige, and the potential to become overbearing. Magha’s planetary ruler, Ketu, the lunar South Node, introduces a spiritual and mystical dimension to individuals born under this Nakshatra.

Professions that particularly suit those heavily influenced by Magha Nakshatra often encompass politics, leadership roles, administration, or any occupation entailing positions of authority and power.

Magha signifies a Nakshatra deeply associated with the concepts of power, tradition, and the potential for ascending to positions of authority and leadership. Individuals born under Magha Nakshatra possess a profound connection to their heritage and a resolute commitment to upholding traditional values. They are naturally inclined towards roles and careers that allow them to exercise their innate leadership qualities and make a lasting impact in their respective domains.

Purva Phalguni

Purva Phalguni, alternatively known as “Puram” or “Purva Phalguni Nakshatra,” stands as the eleventh Nakshatra in the realm of Vedic astrology’s 27 Nakshatras, characterized by a strong connection to the themes of love and sensuality, symbolized by a swinging hammock. The key attributes and characteristics defining the Purva Phalguni Nakshatra are as follows:

Under the dominion of Bhaga, the god of wealth and enjoyment, Purva Phalguni finds its alignment with life’s pleasures, encompassing the realms of love and sensuality. Its primary symbol, a swinging hammock or a bed, eloquently signifies relaxation, the pursuit of physical comforts, and the sheer enjoyment of life’s luxuries.

As a “Rajasik” Nakshatra, Purva Phalguni exudes a dynamic and active nature, fueled by desires and ambitions, particularly within the domain of love and sensuality. Individuals born under this Nakshatra often exhibit a passionate and romantic disposition, fully savoring the pleasures of life. They are naturally blessed with a captivating charm and a profound ability to form and nurture loving relationships.

Challenges that may surface among Purva Phalguni Nakshatra individuals can include a propensity for indulgence, an intense focus on physical pleasures, and an unceasing need for attention and recognition. Venus, serving as the planetary ruler, imparts qualities of love, beauty, and sensuality to those born under this Nakshatra.

In terms of professions, those deeply influenced by Purva Phalguni Nakshatra frequently find success in careers tied to the realms of the arts, entertainment, beauty, and vocations that involve the celebration of life’s pleasures, allowing them to express their innate creativity and romantic inclinations.

Purva Phalguni embodies a Nakshatra profoundly associated with love, sensuality, and the unreserved celebration of life’s joys. Individuals born under this Nakshatra naturally exude a charming allure and possess a profound appreciation for love and beauty. They gravitate towards careers and activities that enable them to wholeheartedly express their creative and romantic qualities.

Uttara Phalguni

Uttara Phalguni, known as “Uttaram” or “Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra,” holds the twelfth position among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. This Nakshatra is deeply intertwined with the concepts of social order and the sacred union of marriage, and it is symbolized by the back legs of a bed or a hammock. Key attributes and characteristics define the essence of Uttara Phalguni:

Guided by Aryaman, the deity of contracts and unions, Uttara Phalguni is inherently linked to the profound institution of marriage and the social contracts that underpin human connections. The primary symbol associated with this Nakshatra, the back legs of a bed or a hammock, eloquently signifies relaxation and the very foundations of social order, primarily established through the bonds of marriage.

Uttara Phalguni exhibits a “Sattvic” nature, signifying purity, harmony, and a nurturing disposition. It is renowned for its deep-rooted sense of duty and responsibility. Individuals born under the influence of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra are often distinguished by their strong sense of responsibility, practicality, and unwavering commitment to upholding social and family values. They possess a robust sense of duty and a fervent desire to cultivate harmony in their relationships.

Challenges faced by Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra individuals may encompass a tendency towards excessive criticism, a predisposition for conformity, and the potential to become overly controlling. The Sun, as the planetary ruler, bestows qualities of leadership, self-confidence, and a deep sense of duty to those born under this Nakshatra.

Professionally, individuals significantly influenced by Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra often excel in careers associated with law, politics, family counseling, marriage therapy, and vocations dedicated to preserving social order and promoting harmonious relationships.

Uttara Phalguni is a Nakshatra intrinsically connected to the principles of social order, responsibility, and an unyielding commitment to the sanctity of marriage and family values. Those born under this Nakshatra naturally exude a profound sense of duty and are dedicated to fostering harmonious relationships while upholding societal norms and contractual obligations. They frequently find success in roles and professions that demand strong leadership and an unwavering sense of responsibility.



Hasta, also known as “Hastam” or “Hasta Nakshatra,” occupies the thirteenth position among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. This Nakshatra is intrinsically linked to the concepts of dexterity and craftsmanship, symbolized by the image of either an open hand or a closed fist. The defining characteristics and attributes of Hasta Nakshatra are as follows:

Governed by Savitar, the Sun god, Hasta embodies the spirit of creativity, vitality, and the driving force that fuels life. The primary symbol associated with Hasta is the open hand or a closed fist, serving as a potent representation of the ability to grasp opportunities and bring one’s intentions to fruition.

Hasta is categorized as a “Sattvic” Nakshatra, characterized by purity, harmony, and a strong creative inclination. It is renowned for its emphasis on skill and craftsmanship.

Individuals born under the influence of Hasta Nakshatra are typically known for their remarkable dexterity, skillfulness, and a pronounced degree of creativity. They possess the innate capability to seize opportunities and translate their desires into reality through their hands-on approach.

Challenges that Hasta Nakshatra individuals may encounter include a proclivity for excessive criticism, a pursuit of perfectionism, and occasional difficulty in making decisions.

The Moon, as the planetary ruler of Hasta, bestows upon individuals born under this Nakshatra qualities of emotional sensitivity, intuition, and adaptability.

Professionally, those significantly influenced by Hasta Nakshatra often excel in careers related to craftsmanship, the arts, healing professions, and vocations that require manual dexterity and creative finesse.

Hasta is a Nakshatra intimately tied to the realms of creativity, skill, and the ability to bring one’s intentions to life through hands-on craftsmanship and dexterity. Individuals born under Hasta Nakshatra typically possess deep-seated creativity and a natural aptitude for work that demands precision and a creative touch.


Chitra, also referred to as “Chithirai” or “Chitra Nakshatra,” claims the fourteenth position among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. This Nakshatra is steeped in the themes of artistry and creation, its symbol evoking the image of a radiant jewel or a lustrous pearl. Here, we delve into the significant characteristics and attributes of the Chitra Nakshatra:

Under the benevolent rule of Vishvakarma, the celestial architect and divine craftsman celebrated for crafting intricate and beautiful designs, Chitra Nakshatra takes on a special aura of creativity and artistic expression.

The central symbol associated with Chitra is the bright jewel or the gleaming pearl, representing the domains of beauty, creativity, and the art of crafting. It embodies the essence of aesthetic appreciation and artistic ingenuity.

With a “Rajasik” nature, Chitra possesses a dynamic and active disposition, fueled by desires and ambitions, especially in the realm of creative expression.

Individuals born under the influence of Chitra Nakshatra are marked by their remarkable creativity, artistic prowess, and insatiable imagination. They harbor a deep-seated desire to create and an innate capacity to appreciate the multifaceted forms of beauty in the world.

However, challenges may manifest in the form of potential self-centeredness or superficiality, stemming from their pursuit of aesthetic pleasures and the occasional tendency to be overly critical.

Mars reigns as the planetary ruler of Chitra, infusing those born under this Nakshatra with qualities of energy, assertiveness, and a pioneering spirit.

Professionally, Chitra Nakshatra individuals often thrive in careers within the realms of the arts, fashion, design, architecture, and any field that allows for creative expression and the cultivation of aesthetic appreciation.

Chitra Nakshatra is deeply entwined with the concepts of artistry, creativity, and the ability to both create and savor beauty in its diverse forms. Those born under Chitra Nakshatra typically possess a profound sense of aesthetic appreciation and a natural flair for artistic expression. They are frequently drawn to vocations and activities that enable them to channel their creativity and contribute to the enrichment of the world’s aesthetic tapestry.


Swati, also known as “Swathi” or “Swati Nakshatra,” claims the fifteenth spot among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. This Nakshatra is closely associated with the principles of independence and exploration, with its symbol representing a young shoot swaying gracefully in the wind. Here, we explore the significant characteristics and attributes of the Swati Nakshatra:

Guided by Vayu, the god of the wind, Swati Nakshatra embodies the qualities of movement, autonomy, and the ceaseless force of the wind.

The primary symbol that defines Swati is that of a young shoot swaying freely in the wind, symbolizing the unbridled, independent spirit that characterizes this Nakshatra.

Boasting a “Sattvic” nature, Swati resonates with purity, harmony, and an inherent sense of freedom.

Individuals born under the influence of Swati Nakshatra are distinguished by their unwavering sense of independence, free-spiritedness, and a deep yearning for exploration. They hold their personal liberty in the highest regard.

However, the pursuit of this independence can present challenges in the form of restlessness and an inclination to eschew committed relationships, as their autonomy remains paramount.

Rahu, the North Node of the Moon, governs Swati, imparting a mysterious and transformative dimension to the lives of those born under this Nakshatra.

In their professional endeavors, individuals strongly influenced by Swati Nakshatra often shine in careers related to travel, exploration, aviation, research, and any pursuit that champions independence and a pioneering spirit.

Swati Nakshatra is intrinsically linked to independence, exploration, and the unconstrained spirit of the wind. Those born under Swati Nakshatra possess an unquenchable thirst for freedom and are instinctively drawn to pursuits and professions that allow them to navigate the world and set their own course. Their individuality and independence stand as values they steadfastly uphold above all else.


Vishakha, also known as “Vishaka” or “Vishakha Nakshatra,” claims the sixteenth position among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. This Nakshatra is closely associated with the principles of balance and diplomacy, with its symbol representing a decorated archway. Here, we explore the significant characteristics and attributes of the Vishakha Nakshatra:

Ruled by Indra and Agni, the king of gods and the fire god, Vishakha Nakshatra is emblematic of authority, leadership, and the transformative power of fire.

The primary symbol that defines Vishakha is that of a decorated archway or gateway, symbolizing the transition from one stage of life to another and the essential need for balance.

Vishakha is characterized by its “Rajasik” nature, which signifies a dynamic and active disposition, driven by desires and ambitions, particularly in the domains of leadership and equilibrium.

Individuals born under the influence of Vishakha Nakshatra are known for their diplomatic and fair-minded approach. They possess a highly competitive spirit and an innate ability to harmonize various aspects of life, tirelessly seeking justice and balance.

However, this pursuit of balance can sometimes lead to challenges such as excessive competitiveness, ambition, and the potential to become overly controlling.

Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and spirituality, serves as the planetary ruler of Vishakha, imparting a strong sense of purpose to those born under this Nakshatra.

In their professional pursuits, individuals influenced by Vishakha Nakshatra often excel in careers related to law, politics, leadership, and any field that demands diplomacy, negotiation, and the skill to balance competing interests.

Vishakha Nakshatra is intricately linked with balance, diplomacy, and the transformative power of fire. Those born under Vishakha Nakshatra possess a deep commitment to justice and a natural talent for reconciling conflicting interests. They are naturally drawn to vocations and roles that require strong leadership, diplomacy, and a drive to instill harmony and fairness in their undertakings.



Anuradha, also known as “Anizham” or “Anuradha Nakshatra,” is the seventeenth Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. It is closely associated with the themes of friendship and cooperation and is symbolized by a lotus. Here, we delve into the significant characteristics and attributes of the Anuradha Nakshatra:

Mitra, the god of friendship and alliance, is the ruling deity of Anuradha Nakshatra. This Nakshatra embodies cooperation, unity, and the profound power of social bonds.

The primary symbol that represents Anuradha is the lotus, a symbol of purity, spiritual growth, and the potential for enlightenment.

Characterized by its “Sattvic” nature, Anuradha stands for purity, harmony, and a cooperative quality.

Individuals born under the influence of Anuradha Nakshatra are renowned for their friendliness, cooperation, and deep dedication to nurturing strong social bonds. They place a high value on unity and harmony in their relationships.

Nonetheless, some challenges that may arise for those with Anuradha Nakshatra influence include a propensity to become overly reliant on others and being overly idealistic in their pursuit of harmony.

Saturn serves as the planetary ruler of Anuradha, infusing individuals born under this Nakshatra with qualities of discipline, responsibility, and a strong sense of duty.

Professionally, those with a significant influence of Anuradha Nakshatra are likely to excel in careers centered around teamwork, counseling, diplomacy, and any profession that demands the establishment and maintenance of robust social bonds.

Anuradha Nakshatra is a reflection of friendship, cooperation, and the profound strength that comes from social unity. Those born under the sway of Anuradha Nakshatra are characterized by their strong sense of cooperation and a deep appreciation for the power of relationships and alliances. They are naturally drawn to vocations and roles that require teamwork, diplomacy, and the capacity to forge and uphold strong social bonds.


Jyestha, also known as “Kettai” or “Jyestha Nakshatra,” is the eighteenth Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. It is closely associated with the themes of seniority and authority and is symbolized by an earring or an umbrella. Let’s explore the key characteristics and attributes of the Jyestha Nakshatra:

Jyestha is ruled by Indra, the king of gods. This Nakshatra represents authority, seniority, and the inherent power of leadership.

The primary symbol that represents Jyestha is an earring or an umbrella, symbolizing protection, power, and the privileges that come with authority.

Jyestha is characterized by its “Tamasik” nature, indicating the presence of more challenging and transformative aspects. It encompasses the ability to confront difficulties while maintaining a position of authority.

Individuals born under the influence of Jyestha Nakshatra are known for their authoritative and mature demeanor. They naturally exude a sense of seniority and possess the ability to maintain control in challenging situations.

However, some challenges associated with Jyestha Nakshatra individuals include a potential for arrogance, a strong need for control, and a tendency to be overly critical.

The planetary ruler of Jyestha is Mercury, infusing individuals born under this Nakshatra with qualities of communication, intelligence, and adaptability.

In terms of professions, those influenced by the Jyestha Nakshatra are likely to excel in careers that revolve around leadership, management, law, and any profession that necessitates maintaining authority and addressing difficult situations.

Jyestha Nakshatra represents seniority, authority, and the inherent power of leadership. Individuals born under its influence possess a strong sense of maturity and are naturally inclined towards roles and careers that require them to take on positions of authority and effectively manage challenging situations. They hold the concepts of seniority and the accompanying privileges and responsibilities in high regard.


Mula, also known as “Moolam” or “Mula Nakshatra,” is the nineteenth Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. It is closely associated with the themes of transformation and destruction and is symbolized by a bunch of roots tied together. Let’s delve into the key characteristics and attributes of the Mula Nakshatra:

Mula is ruled by Nirriti, the goddess of destruction and dissolution. This Nakshatra represents the power of transformation and the necessity of breaking down the old to pave the way for the new.

The primary symbol of Mula is a bunch of roots tied together, symbolizing the intricate and profound nature of this Nakshatra.

Mula possesses a “Tamasik” nature, indicative of its more challenging and transformative aspects. It embodies the force of destruction and rebirth.

Individuals born under the influence of Mula Nakshatra are renowned for their intensity, transformative abilities, and unwavering determination to overcome obstacles and challenges. They hold the potential to bring about deep and profound changes.

Nonetheless, challenges related to Mula Nakshatra individuals include a proclivity for being overly critical, and confrontational, and an inherent need to embrace transformation even in the face of adversity.

The planetary ruler of Mula is Ketu, the lunar South Node, which introduces a spiritual and mystical dimension into the lives of individuals born under this Nakshatra.

In terms of professions, those with a strong influence of Mula Nakshatra are likely to excel in careers associated with healing, psychology, crisis management, and any occupation that revolves around transformation and the resolution of deep-seated issues.

Mula Nakshatra embodies the themes of transformation and destruction. Those born under its influence possess an unwavering determination to bring about profound change and are drawn to roles and careers that focus on healing, transformation, and the dissolution of old patterns to make room for the new. They deeply value the processes of regeneration and change.

Purva Ashadha

Purva Ashadha, also known as “Pooradam” or “Purva Ashadha Nakshatra,” is the twentieth Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. This Nakshatra is closely associated with the themes of determination and success and is symbolized by the tusk of an elephant. Let’s explore the key characteristics and attributes of the Purva Ashadha Nakshatra:

Purva Ashadha is ruled by Apah, the god of waters, symbolizing the power of purification and rejuvenation. It embodies determination and the ability to overcome obstacles.

The primary symbol of Purva Ashadha is the tusk of an elephant, signifying strength, determination, and the capacity to surmount challenges.

Purva Ashadha is characterized as a “Rajasik” Nakshatra, reflecting its dynamic and active nature, driven by desires and ambitions, particularly in the pursuit of achievement and success.

Individuals born under the influence of Purva Ashadha Nakshatra are renowned for their determination, focus, and ambition. They possess the capability to set and achieve their goals while surmounting obstacles.

Nevertheless, challenges related to Purva Ashadha Nakshatra individuals include potential stubbornness, an unwavering focus on success, and an inclination to be overly competitive.

Venus serves as the planetary ruler of Purva Ashadha, bringing qualities of love, beauty, and sensuality into the lives of individuals born under this Nakshatra.

Regarding professions, those strongly influenced by Purva Ashadha Nakshatra are likely to excel in careers related to leadership, business, politics, and any occupation that requires determination and the pursuit of success.

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra embodies determination and ambition. Individuals born under this Nakshatra are resolute in their pursuit of success, value achievement, and are willing to work diligently to overcome obstacles and challenges in the quest for their ambitions.

Uttara Ashadha

Uttara Ashadha, also known as “Uttiradam” or “Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra,” is the twenty-first Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. This Nakshatra is closely associated with the themes of achievement and victory and is symbolized by the tusk of an elephant. Let’s delve into the key characteristics and attributes of the Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra:

Uttara Ashadha is ruled by Vishvadevas, the universal gods, representing success and the power of universal harmony.

The primary symbol of Uttara Ashadha is the tusk of an elephant, symbolizing strength, determination, and the capability to surmount obstacles.

Uttara Ashadha is characterized as a “Rajasik” Nakshatra, reflecting its dynamic and active nature, driven by desires and ambitions, particularly in the pursuit of achievement and victory.

Individuals born under the influence of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra are renowned for their determination, ambition, and strong focus on their goals. They possess the ability to achieve success and victory in their endeavors.

However, challenges associated with Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra individuals may include potential stubbornness, an unwavering focus on success, and a tendency to be overly competitive.

The planetary ruler of Uttara Ashadha is the Sun, which brings qualities of leadership, self-confidence, and a strong sense of purpose into the lives of individuals born under this Nakshatra.

In terms of professions, individuals strongly influenced by Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra are likely to excel in careers related to leadership, management, entrepreneurship, politics, and any occupation that demands determination and the pursuit of success.

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra embodies the drive for achievement and victory. Individuals born under this Nakshatra exhibit a strong sense of purpose, and they are drawn to roles and careers that enable them to set and attain their goals. They highly value success and are often willing to work diligently and overcome challenges to achieve victory in their endeavors.



Shravana, also referred to as “Thiruvonam” or “Shravana Nakshatra,” holds the twenty-second position among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. This Nakshatra is closely associated with the concepts of learning and listening, and its symbol is represented by an ear or three footsteps. Let’s delve into the fundamental characteristics and attributes of the Shravana Nakshatra:

Ruled by Lord Vishnu, Shravana embodies a deep connection to knowledge, the art of listening, and the divine wisdom bestowed by the divine entities. Its primary symbol, an ear or three footsteps, underscores the profound importance of listening, the pursuit of learning, and the acquisition of knowledge.

As a “Sattvic” Nakshatra, Shravana epitomizes purity, harmony, and a nurturing disposition. It is renowned for its unique capacity to assimilate and convey wisdom. Individuals born under the Shravana Nakshatra are often recognized for their remarkable listening skills, deep respect for knowledge, and unwavering dedication to acquiring and sharing wisdom.

Yet, in their pursuit of knowledge, these individuals may face challenges that include a tendency to be overly passive, an inherent need for constant guidance, and difficulties when making decisions. The governing planetary influence of Shravana is the Moon, which imparts qualities such as emotional sensitivity, intuition, and adaptability.

Professionally, those strongly influenced by the Shravana Nakshatra are well-suited for careers related to teaching, counseling, communication, and any occupation that revolves around the practices of attentive listening, continuous learning, and the dissemination of knowledge. In essence, Shravana Nakshatra individuals embody the spirit of learning and listening, nurturing a profound respect for wisdom and displaying a natural inclination to acquire and share knowledge. They thrive in roles and vocations that demand effective communication, active listening, and the imparting of wisdom.


Dhanishta, alternatively referred to as “Avittam” or “Dhanishta Nakshatra,” holds the twenty-third position among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. It encompasses the themes of wealth, and music, and is symbolized by a musical drum. Let’s explore the essential characteristics and attributes of the Dhanishta Nakshatra:

Guided by the ruling deities, the Vasus, a group of eight elemental gods, Dhanishta embodies the essence of abundance, affluence, and the profound influence of music. At its core, this Nakshatra symbolizes rhythm, harmony, and a wealth of knowledge and creativity.

Dhanishta is classified as a “Sattvic” Nakshatra, signifying traits of purity, harmony, and a nurturing disposition. It is widely renowned for its close association with music and the accumulation of wealth.

Individuals born under the influence of the Dhanishta Nakshatra are often recognized for their creative talents, profound musical connections, and deep affinity for the arts. They bear the potential to amass wealth and material abundance.

Nonetheless, there are certain challenges that individuals born under this Nakshatra may face. These include a tendency toward materialism, a persistent need for recognition, and a risk of becoming overly self-indulgent.

Mars governs the Dhanishta Nakshatra, infusing individuals with qualities such as energy, assertiveness, and a pioneering spirit.

Regarding their professional pursuits, those strongly influenced by the Dhanishta Nakshatra excel in careers closely aligned with music, the arts, finance, and any vocation that combines creativity with the generation of wealth. These individuals possess a profound connection to the world of music and creative expression, allowing them to thrive in roles that embrace their artistic flair and offer opportunities for financial prosperity.


Shatabhisha, also recognized as “Sadayam” or “Shatabhisha Nakshatra,” is the twenty-fourth Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. This Nakshatra is steeped in the themes of healing, and mystery, and is symbolized by a serpent with a hundred heads. Let’s delve into the core characteristics and attributes of the Shatabhisha Nakshatra:

Under the rule of Varuna, the god of cosmic waters and the celestial ocean, Shatabhisha Nakshatra is intrinsically associated with the realms of healing and mystical insight.

At the heart of this Nakshatra, the primary symbol is a serpent adorned with a hundred heads, serving as a powerful emblem of healing and transformative potential.

Shatabhisha Nakshatra is classified as a “Tamasik” Nakshatra, representing its more intricate and transformative nature. It harnesses the inherent powers of healing and rejuvenation.

Individuals born under the influence of Shatabhisha Nakshatra are often regarded as healers and mystics, endowed with a profound sense of intuition and insight. They possess the extraordinary ability to uncover concealed wisdom and employ it for the purpose of healing and transformation.

Yet, they may encounter challenges that stem from a propensity to be secretive or introverted. The duality within this Nakshatra might require balancing these contrasting aspects.

Rahu, the North Node of the Moon, governs Shatabhisha Nakshatra. This influence introduces a mysterious and transformative dimension to individuals born under its sway.

In terms of professions, those strongly influenced by Shatabhisha Nakshatra typically thrive in careers related to healing, spirituality, and research. They excel in vocations that involve delving into hidden knowledge and navigating the intricacies of the subconscious mind. Shatabhisha natives bring their remarkable healing abilities to the fore, ushering transformation not only within themselves but also in the world around them.

Purva Bhadrapada

Purva Bhadrapada, also recognized as “Purattathi” or “Purva Bhadra Nakshatra,” stands as the twenty-fifth Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras within the realm of Vedic astrology. This Nakshatra is intrinsically woven with themes of spirituality, and sacrifice, and finds its symbol in the form of a double-faced man. Let’s explore the fundamental characteristics and attributes that define the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra:

This Nakshatra’s guiding deity is Aja Ekapada, the one-footed goat, symbolizing sacrifice and spirituality. Purva Bhadrapada is closely associated with the pursuit of higher truths and spiritual wisdom.

At its core, Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra’s primary symbol is represented by a double-faced man. This symbol embodies the concept of duality, reflecting the dual nature of existence and the perpetual struggle to harmonize opposing forces.

Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra holds a classification as a “Tamasik” Nakshatra, shedding light on its intricate and transformative qualities. It channels the energies of sacrifice and spirituality.

Individuals born under the influence of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are often characterized by their deep spirituality, an inclination toward self-sacrifice, and a profound philosophical mindset. They harbor the potential to explore higher truths and engage in spiritual pursuits that bring them closer to enlightenment.

However, these individuals may also grapple with certain challenges, including a tendency to be overly self-sacrificing to the point of neglecting their own needs. Furthermore, they must confront the eternal struggle of balancing dualities and harmonizing opposing forces within themselves.

The planetary ruler presiding over Purva Bhadrapada is Jupiter, endowing individuals born under this Nakshatra with qualities of wisdom, spirituality, and a resolute sense of purpose.

In terms of professions, those significantly influenced by Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra often find their calling in careers centered around spirituality, philosophy, and the healing arts. They excel in vocations that require self-sacrifice and the relentless pursuit of higher truths. Purva Bhadrapada natives are drawn to roles that enable them to partake in spiritual endeavors and sacrifice for the greater good, contributing to the world’s spiritual evolution.

Uttara Bhadrapada

Uttara Bhadrapada, also known as “Uttirattathi” or “Uttara Bhadra Nakshatra,” takes its place as the twenty-sixth Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. This Nakshatra is intrinsically interwoven with themes of mysticism, and spirituality, and is symbolized by a serpent or the back legs of a funeral cot. Let’s delve into the key characteristics and attributes that define the Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra:

The ruling deity of Uttara Bhadrapada is Ahirbudhnya, the serpent of the deep sea. This Nakshatra is profoundly linked with mystical transformation and the pursuit of deep spirituality.

The primary symbol associated with Uttara Bhadrapada is either a serpent or the back legs of a funeral cot. These symbols represent the mystical nature of this Nakshatra and the innate ability to shed old layers of existence, much like a serpent sheds its skin.

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is classified as a “Tamasik” Nakshatra, signifying its more demanding and transformative aspects. It revolves around the power of surrender and profound spiritual awakening.

Individuals born under the influence of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra are often characterized as mystics with a deep spiritual inclination, leading them toward introspection and self-discovery. They harbor the potential for profound transformation and spiritual awakening.

However, these individuals may encounter certain challenges, including an inclination toward introversion, a need for isolation to pursue their spiritual path, and the ongoing struggle to release attachments.

The planetary ruler governing Uttara Bhadrapada is Saturn, imparting qualities of discipline, responsibility, and the capacity to confront karmic challenges to those born under this Nakshatra.

In terms of professions, individuals significantly influenced by Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra typically find their calling in careers related to mysticism, spirituality, and meditation. They excel in vocations that necessitate deep introspection and the unwavering pursuit of spiritual awakening. Uttara Bhadrapada natives are drawn to roles that allow them to explore the profound mysteries of existence and undergo spiritual transformation, seeking deeper meaning and enlightenment in life.



Revati, also known as “Revathi” or “Revati Nakshatra,” holds the distinction of being the twenty-seventh and final Nakshatra among the 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. This Nakshatra is intimately tied to themes of compassion, and nurturing, and is symbolized by a fish or a pair of fish. Let’s explore the key characteristics and attributes that define the Revati Nakshatra:

Revati is under the dominion of Pushan, the god of nourishment and protection. This Nakshatra revolves around the principles of nurturing and compassionate care.

The primary symbol representing Revati is a fish or a pair of fish, signifying the nurturing and protective qualities of water, and the graceful ability to navigate through life’s ever-flowing currents.

Revati Nakshatra is classified as a “Sattvic” Nakshatra, symbolizing purity, harmony, and an innate nurturing disposition. It is renowned for its compassionate and caring nature.

Individuals born under the influence of Revati Nakshatra are often characterized by their compassion, nurturing tendencies, and their unwavering commitment to caring for others. They possess the inherent potential to provide emotional support and care to those in need.

Nonetheless, these individuals may encounter certain challenges. These may include a predisposition towards idealism, a potential for heightened emotional sensitivity, and the ongoing struggle to strike a balance between their nurturing instincts and the practical demands of life.

The planetary ruler governing Revati is Mercury, endowing those born under this Nakshatra with qualities such as effective communication, adaptability, and an unceasing pursuit of intellectual growth.

When it comes to professions, individuals deeply influenced by Revati Nakshatra typically shine in careers related to caregiving, healing, and counseling. They excel in vocations that require the nurturing and support of others, leveraging their innate compassion to make a positive impact in the lives of those they assist. Revati natives are drawn to roles that allow them to provide emotional and practical care, exemplifying the true essence of compassion and support.


In this blog, we’ve embarked on an intriguing journey through the realm of Nakshatras, uncovering their historical roots, celestial symbolism, and profound influence on Vedic astrology and culture. The diversity and depth of Nakshatras have been revealed, showcasing their role as cosmic guides and influencers in the lives of many.

Despite the march of time and the advent of modernity, Nakshatras continue to be an integral part of daily life. From selecting auspicious dates for weddings to understanding one’s personality and making life-altering decisions, Nakshatras offers a timeless and relevant perspective. Their influence spans not only astrology but also in rituals, festivals, and daily practices. Nakshatras are the bridge between the ancient and the contemporary, linking the cosmic with the personal.

As we conclude this journey, we encourage readers to explore further and delve deeper into the captivating world of Nakshatras. Whether you’re drawn to their astrological significance, cultural stories, or astronomical beauty, Nakshatras offer a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom waiting to be uncovered. By understanding and embracing the Nakshatras in your life, you can connect with the timeless rhythm of the universe and gain profound insights into your own unique journey. So, take the time to explore, study, and appreciate the enduring mysteries and enchantment of the 27 Nakshatras.

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हरि ॐ तत्सत्


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the 27 Nakshatras.

Nakshatras are lunar mansions or constellations used in Vedic astrology to delineate the zodiac. There are 27 Nakshatras in total, each representing a specific portion of the celestial sky.

While zodiac signs divide the ecliptic into 12 equal parts of 30 degrees each, Nakshatras divide the sky into 27 equal segments, each approximately 13.2 degrees wide.

Nakshatras symbolize various qualities, traits, and attributes that influence an individual’s personality, behavior, and destiny. They are also associated with specific deities, ruling planets, and symbolism.

Yes, Nakshatras hold significant importance in Vedic astrology. They provide deeper insights into a person’s characteristics, temperament, strengths, weaknesses, and life events.

Astrologers analyze the placement of planets within specific Nakshatras in a birth chart to predict various aspects of life, such as career, relationships, health, and overall life trajectory.

Yes, Nakshatras play a role in assessing compatibility between individuals in relationships. Compatibility is evaluated based on the Nakshatra positions of both individuals and their associated characteristics.

Yes, Nakshatras are considered in astrological remedies or ‘upayas’. Gemstones, rituals, mantras, and other remedial measures are often prescribed based on Nakshatra placements to alleviate malefic influences or enhance positive ones.

Yes, Nakshatras are believed to influence career inclinations and aptitudes. Certain Nakshatras are associated with specific professions or fields of work based on their inherent qualities.

According to Vedic astrology, Nakshatras have an influence on one’s health and well-being. Certain Nakshatras may indicate tendencies towards particular health issues or strengths in vitality.

The Nakshatra of an individual is determined by the position of the Moon at the time of their birth. Astrologers use this information to identify the specific Nakshatra influencing an individual’s life.

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