

Vastu Shastra – a glimpse into Sthapatya Upaveda

Vastu Shastra – an introduction: Sthapatya, an esteemed Upaveda, renowned as Vastu Shastra, emerges from the Vedas, ancient Indian scriptures. This lore navigates architecture’s depths, orchestrating edifices that dance in sync with nature’s rhythms and cosmic symphonies. Vastu Shastra orchestrates a symphony of architectural essentials: site curation, layout choreography, directional…


Karma Theory – decoding the mysterious Siddhanta of Karma

Introduction to the Karma Theory: The notion of Karma Theory traverses diverse cultural and religious landscapes globally, entwining with convictions ancient and modern. Karma Theory unfurls intricate insights into karma’s machinery, its shades of intricacy intermingling with human destinies. While interpretations of Karma Theory diverge, a steadfast nucleus remains: our…

Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology: the unblemished eye of the Vedas

Vedic Astrology – an Introduction: The Vedas stand as the most ancient volumes within the world’s library, forming a compilation of revered manuscripts that constitute Hinduism’s primordial scriptures. Coined from Sanskrit, “Veda” signifies knowledge, embodying the fount of all discernment and sagacity. Comprising the Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda, these…


Navgrahas: the 9 planets of Vedic Astrology

ऊँ ब्रह्मा मुरारी त्रिपुरांतकारी भानु: शशि भूमि सुतो बुधश्च। गुरुश्च शुक्र शनि राहु केतव सर्वे ग्रहा शांति करा भवंतु।। May the benevolent existence of the celestial deities Brahma, Murari (Vishnu), and Tripurantkari (Shiva) grace my existence. These divine beings obliterated the Tripurasuras, while the cosmic bodies Bhanu (Sun), Shashi (Moon),…