Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of ujjwalkislay.com and its related pages, as well as your payment for any product or service provided through the site. It is important that you read these terms carefully and thoroughly before accessing or using the site or making any purchases, as they constitute a legal agreement between you and Ujjwal Kislay.

By accessing or using the site or making a payment for any product or service, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to any part of these terms and conditions, you should not use the site or purchase any products or services offered through it.

  1. Ownership: ujjwalkislay.com is owned and operated by Ujjwal Kislay and all rights are reserved by him.
  2. Updating terms: ujjwalkislay.com has the right to update or modify the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice, and it is the responsibility of the user to stay updated with any changes.
  3. Authorization of use: Users are authorized to access and view the site for personal and educational purposes only. Any fraudulent or illegal activities that may harm the interests of ujjwalkislay.com are strictly prohibited. The user is not allowed to sell, copy, modify, or exploit any content from the site for commercial purposes without written permission. Attempting to upload anything or disrupt the networks and services is also prohibited. Do not use any kind of website copier, or downloader, or take screenshots. Using print-friendly websites, add-ons, software, etc to download blogs or other pages as pdf or images for the offline view is also prohibited.
  4. Intellectual rights and copyright: The ujjwalkislay.com brand name, logo, and all content on the site are the intellectual property and copyright of Ujjwal Kislay. Any violation may result in legal action.
  5. Eligibility: The site is intended for use by adults (as per age defined in your country) or persons age 18+. The site and its services are not intended for use by residents of any jurisdiction that may prohibit the use of the products or services provided by ujjwalkislay.com.
  6. Disputes: In any event of a dispute the matter must be settled in the jurisdiction court of Patna, Bihar, India only, and maximum damage payable cannot exceed the fee taken for the product or service in any case.
  7. No Warranty or Guarantee: The information, products, and services provided herein along with paid consultation are without any kind of guarantee or warranty. The user must use their good judgment before using this site or buying any product or service. The user is solely responsible for any and all kinds of damage that they may incur, directly or indirectly, by using this site and its services. ujjwalkislay.com cannot be held responsible and liable for any such losses.
  8. Indemnification: You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless ujjwalkislay.com and its owner, parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, staff, suppliers, consultants, contractors, and agents from any and all claims, liability, losses, damages, and/or costs arising from your use of the ujjwalkislay.com, your violation of these Terms, unsolicited information you provide to us through the Website, or your violation of any third party’s rights, including without limitation, an infringement by you or any other user of your account of any intellectual property or another right of any person or entity. These Terms will inure to the benefit of ujjwalkislay.com‘s successors, assigns, and licensees.
  9. Disclaimer: ujjwalkislay.com assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in this site is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantee/warrantee of completeness, accuracy, usefulness, or timeliness. Use at your own discretion and risk. This site may utilize 3rd party materials for “fair use” and allows the same to its users.
  10. Consultation Service: ujjwalkislay.com offers professional astrological consultation services to consenting adults who have faith and belief in Astrology.
    • We are currently serving users within India only.
    • Users must pay the fee in full in advance.
    • Our liability is limited to offering astrological consultation upon request of the user.
    • The language for any and all communication is English via Email and/or Whatsapp only and no request for voice calls, video conferences, etc will be entertained.
    • It is necessary that the user provide true and exact birth and personal details as astrology depends upon Desh Kaal Patra and astrological competence equally else predictions will go completely wrong.
    • The user must select one topic for discussion and ask a specific and direct question only that will be answered as per the principles of classical Vedic astrology. It will not be possible to answer too generalistic, subjective, convoluted, absurd, illegal, or immoral questions.
    • Typically, it takes approximately 1-2 business days to receive our consultation report via email and/or WhatsApp. However, we ask that you allow up to 7 business days before requesting a refund.
    • Accuracy of predictions and results — Astrology is a spiritual science offering guidance to those who believe and trust in it. Astrologers are not God so it’s not possible to be 100% accurate or perform miracles. ujjwalkislay.com neither makes any such false claims nor gives any kind of guarantee/warranty for prediction or results.
    • No substitute for experts — Astrological consultation is not a substitute for legal, health, mental, financial, or any other kind of expert consultation. The user must undertake and follow expert advice as per requirement and not rely on astrology alone.
  11. Courses: ujjwalkislay.com offers free and paid courses to its users. Interested users shall enroll and pay applicable fees to get limited access to courses. It is intended for personal consumption only and must not be shared or leaked. Users must abide by the rules and regulations of our site.
  12. Donation: ujjwalkislay.com may seek and allow donations from its patrons and supporters. By donating, you show your support for our work. Your contribution will assist us in paying our expenses and will allow us to dedicate more time and effort to creating content that you enjoy. We are not a non-profit organization and do not solicit financial assistance for any charitable causes. It’s worth noting that this donation will not result in any tax deductions, and we won’t be able to provide an audit or accounting of how the funds were spent.
  13. Promotions: ujjwalkislay.com may utilize coupons, giveaways, ads, promotions, etc time to time. Users must abide by our rules for any such campaign or event to participate accordingly.
  14. Refund and Returns Policy: On our website, we exclusively provide digital products and services, eliminating concerns regarding shipping charges, shipping policies, and returns since no physical items are involved. Regarding refunds, we maintain an open policy to protect the best interest of our users. On ujjwalkislay.com, users are eligible for a complete refund of their payment if the website is unable to provide the consultation service within 7 business days, for any reason. Similarly, users may request for a complete refund within 7 weekdays if they are not satisfied with the service for any reason, no questions asked. Refunds will be made via UPI only. Please note that after 7 weekdays from the date of payment, no request for refunds will be entertained under any circumstances.
  15. Contact Us: If you find any error or mistake, have any issues, or feel your copyright is violated, you must contact us and grant us the proper opportunity to check, verify or edit, as per requirement before escalating. If you have any queries or concerns regarding any matter you can Contact us.